Let us assist with your legal matters.

Fast, efficient service for the turnaround that you deserve-


Full function PA

Independent email and letter creation

Diary and Email management

Dictaphone typing

Transcribing of notes

Extensive Litigation and Matrimonial

Extensive Notarial

Affidavits / Statements / Declarations

Document and Agreement Creation – Deeds of Sale, Lease Agreements, Sale of Shares,

Transfer of Members Interest, general agreements, 

Confidentiality Agreements and Non-Disclosures, etc

Contract vetting, proofreading and advice

Wills & Estates

Powers of Attorney (General & Special)

Employment contracts, labour issues, etc

Research – new acts, case law – full summary given 



Full function up to and including post registration finances

Drafting, signature, rates/levies, lodgement & registration

Conventional / Sectional

Sub-Division / Consolidations

Title Deed alterations and explanations

Bonds – Commercial, Private, Notarial

Cancellations – Commercial, Private, Notarial