About us

Service Excellence From Start To Finish…And Beyond

Opening Essentially, You, on 2 January 2020, my original vision for the company was that of service excellence to clients on both an administration and legal platform.


Building open and honest relationships with my clients is key, but also ensuring that I am offering the best possible range of products to assist them in meeting an ever growing and changing world is also at the forefront of my mind. Evolving Essentially, You, over the last months, to now include a Diploma in Digital Marketing and Advanced Graphic Design has, indeed, added a wealth of extra value for my clients. Coupled with my 27 years in the legal field, and strong administration skills, each really does compliment the next to afford a unique perspective of the business world, and it’s needs.


Why Digital Marketing? The answer is simple – the digital age is here and we cannot go back. I felt that this would be invaluable in allowing me to actually track and analyse my clients marketing and advertising efforts and be able to actually pinpoint what works and what does not. The functionality for businesses is of great importance, and allows changes and modifications to be made alongside any marketing and advertising campaign at a steady pace, and without hurried decisions which lead to bloated budgets.


Why Graphic Design? I have always loved being able to create beautiful things. Now I have the advantage of creating beautiful things with a purpose. The purpose of Graphic Design is to communicate visually but also to remember that “form follows function” and “less is indeed more”. Speaking visually can sometimes express more than words can actually articulate.


My company’s motto is simple – service excellence from start to finish, and then beyond!! What does this mean – careful thought, and consideration to each of my clients needs, open and honest communication on all levels, and the knowledge and research to ensure my clients are always afforded, not only peace of mind, but a “birds eye view” of where their company is going, and how to get there.


I have always believed that stagnation is one of the keys to a company’s demise. Coupled with poorly devised systems, and lack of proper communication, it can have a devastating effect on any company. The drive behind Essentially, You aims at negating all three of these components, and more, leaving a structured company that changes with the times, keeping pace with the digital business world of today.


I will continue in my efforts to evolve and streamline Essentially, You endeavouring to offer only the best possible solutions to each client’s need.


Kind Regards


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In the process of updating

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Letters Of Reference

Parma Kwekery

Pam Golding

Emma Nel

Letter of Reference - Parma Kwekery
Letter of Refrence - Pam Golding
Letter of Reference - Emma Nel