Visually communicating your message

Your design needs to communicate effectively using the measures of space, line, shape, size, to name but a few. One has to ask “What am I trying to communicate?” Employing a professional graphic designer to correctly interpret your message can go a long way to saving you time and money.


With us your design work is as simple as 1-2-3! Together with the knowledge and peace of mind that your work is getting the attention of a professional who holds a certificate in Advanced Graphic Design, and qualified in Adobe Illustrator, you also have a professional who are keeping their eye on your budget.


Browse through our portfolio, have a look at our page but the benefits are all the same – superlative service coupled with a unique outlook when it comes to design. From logos to ePublications, Magazines, vintage photo repair, photoshop manipulation, vector illustrations, advertising layouts and so much more.


The benefits of working with us is that you get-

  • A professional who continues to study and research to keep up with the trends of the time
  • An eye for detail and a unique approach due to the wide range of experience and expertise
  • In-depth consultations which look, not only at your immediate requirements, but how they can be best utilised for the future aswell
  • Quick and efficient turnaround
  • Constant communication and updates
  • A flat rate fee which keeps your budget in mind (from as little as R350 for a wordmark logo upwards)
  • Our unlimited resources


Our pricing includes:


  • Final designs sent in jpeg, pdf, and png format (where applicable)
  • Continued after sales service
  • 1 major alteration
  • 3 minor alterations
  • Carefully structured maintenance packages


Having said all that let’s take a quick look at some of the most important factors when considering your designs

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COLOUR – What do I want my design to “Say”?

Colour is probably one of the most important parts of your design. How you visually portray something leaves a lasting impression. It creates emotion, sets a mood and is sometimes able to convey a message better than any words ever could!


Together with the above most important question comes –


Which colour to use? 

How much of it to use? 

For what purposes will it be used?

Which combinations fit together?


These are all questions that one is faced with when considering colour.


The range of hues, tones and combinations grow on a daily basis, and can be very overwhelming. Pantone, for instance, has just released their “Synergy” range, blues, mauves, greys – all one can say is Wow! You do not, however, have to be daunted besides having an unbiased opinion, the right designer can be the difference between a great design, and an incredible one.


Having said all that, finding the right designer can be just as difficult as the above questions posed.


At Essentially, You we have done the research and studies to ensure that our designs align with your ultimate vision. Let’s chat about how we can make life more interesting

GD - New EQF Design - May-2020
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Adobe Illustrator Certificate - 18.04.20
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TYPOGRAPHY – How do I want my design to read?

The art of typography has been around since ancient Greek times and is derived from their words “form/impression” and “to write”.  Defined as the art or technique of arranging letters to make them more appealing, it can be tricky to get the hang of. In more modern times it was “popularised” by the mass production of the “Guttenberg Bible


So why is typography so important when it comes to any design?


There are several benefits-

  • It can create impression
  • It can provide emphasis and clarity
  • It is appealing on the eye, making the viewer linger


From serifs, to sans serifs, and display to script, how type looks is almost as important and what it says!

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COMPANY BRANDING – How well does this align with my company?

Having a company can be both exhilerating and terrifying all at the same time. Remembering that YOU are your brand (company)  helps to keep things in focus, and creates traction. An article written by Harvard Business Review states that “A leadership brand conveys your identity and distinctiveness as a leader. It communicates the value you offer”. A very interesting read.


Confusing? Well then let’s go back to the beginning. The word brand originated as far back as 2700BC with the ancient Egyptians. Branding of livestock was used to distinguish one person’s cattle from another by means of a symbolic mark burnt into the animals skins. The practicality thus ensued that any stolen cattle could be quickly identified and transferred back to the legitimate owner.


How does this interpret to our modern world?

It’s simple, think of your company as a person, and like a person you have different parts that handle different aspects of function-


Your face – company logo

Your mind/personality  – company vision/strategy

Your voice – how you conduct business and advertising

Your body –  company staff/directors and yes, you yourself

Your clothes – company branding


Let’s face it we all want to look our best when meeting people for the first time. The same can be said for any company. When conducting business one does not dress in PJ’s or shorts, first impressions are still, after all, the most important. Visual impressions are listed as being one of your highest brand awareness factors and should be treasured for it’s organic reach.


Company branding should shout “look here”, whilst still claiming “I am professional, elegant and sophisticated”, resulting in a fine line between enough and too much. After all how much is too much? Now that is the big question.


Outfitting your brand in only the most dynamic, yet budget friendly manner, provides that sophistication & elegance on a level of uniformity which declares “we know what we are doing, you have come to the right place”.


How can this be achieved, and to top it all in our present financial market, in a budget friendly manner? 


It’s all to do with goals and keeping those firmly at the forefront of any decision surrounding how much branding you actually require to get your message across.


So what do you ask yourself when considering your branding-

  • Who do I want to attract?
  • What do I want to say about my brand?
  • How do I want to portray company vision and strategy?
  • What methods can I use to achieve this?


When all is said and done partnering with the right professional will lead to several benefits, top of the list being-

  • immediate answers and solutions to the above questions
  • quicker turnaround time, resulting in lower overheads
  • less costly mistakes
  • the knowledge to point you in the correct direction that visually interprets the core of your brand’s identity


Get in touch and let’s make life more appealing!