Your answers to the world’s digital questions

Covid19 has changed the face of our world almost overnight. Social distancing is here to stay, at least for a good while anyway. What was originally thought of as a possible “add on” to their services, companies are now realising that Digital Marketing should be the face of their company in the future.


To give you an idea of what this entails, it would be….sales funnels, buyer persona, target markets, click through rates (CTR), analytics (SEO), Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), and so much more.


Confusing? It does not have to be. Partnering with the right firm can make the difference between a bloated or trim budget. Yes, you can go with “A, B, C, J or X Company**”, who will claim they know what they doing, and you will be none the wiser until it is too late. Why set yourself up for disappointed and a waste of finance?


Align your company and brand with professionals who are both qualified to help you, and proficient at pointing brands in the right direction with the end result being a virtual online footprint and targeted pin point marketing across social and internet platforms. Assisting in bringing genuine leads that actually convert to sales, developing brand awareness and increasing your social engagement across those platforms.


How is this accomplished?


  • the in-depth investigation and research into your core business and market
  • the development of both your “ideal” buyer (buyer persona) and target market statement (to name but a few)
  • the structuring of company objectives, goals and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)
  • the creation of a strong marketing foundation, content and campaign strategy across all platforms
  • the setup up of analytics to track your campaign efforts
  • the accurate interpretation of data received,


the list goes on and on, but let’s chat if you need further clarity or need some advice regarding this.


Still unsure, well let’s look at the statistics then-

  • 70-80% of people research a company online before visiting a small business to make a purchase 
  • approximately 200 million users worldwide use adblockers
  • the average conversion rates are up to 64% more on mobile as opposed to desktop
  • 40% of people search for products solely on their smartphones
  • Google’s algorithms prefer sites that are mobile friendly and responsive
  • 90% of customers confirm that video helps them make buying decisions


If we did not have analytics we would not be able to correctly ascertain these results, nor be able to assist with the refining of your marketing campaigns and efforts. It’s all about how you read your data, and whether you have partnered with a firm who has the “heart” of your company at theirs.


Digital, Content and Social Media Marketing are all certainly here to stay. The question you need to ask yourself is – In the situation we all now find ourselves in, can you afford to let even one little chance slip to make every “penny” of your budget go further. You can’t!


Get in touch today and let’s plan your future together to make life better!


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